Mohamad Hazimeh​

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Mohamad Hazimeh​

Mohamad Hazimeh

ICYF Vice-President
Representing the Arab Group

Mohamad M. Hazimeh has a PhD in Marketing Management from Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria. He is currently pursuing his second PhD which is in diplomatic affairs from the Lebanese Canadian University. He carries a Masters Degree in Business Management from the Universite Jean Monette Saint Ettiene France, in addition to some other degrees as well. Mohamad has held several Managerial positions in Student Affairs, Marketing, and Sales departments. He is currently a university instructor in Lebanon and Bulgaria, in addition to his role as CEO of Medico Enlace and Marketing Manager at Time International Medical Equipment Company. The Journey with the youth has begun way back to highschool days as a youth activist leading to the university days where he was elected as student council president. After university, Mohamad occupied several leadership positions within Youth Organizations, up until being elected as President of the Union of Youth and Student Organizations in Bekaa and Baalbeck- Hermel governates in 2015 up until the year 2019. In 2018 he was named as the Head of Directorate of International Relations and Organizations at Islamic Risala Association and in its turn the Lebanese Ministry of Youth and Sports has named Islamic Risala Association as the member organization representing Lebanon at ICYF where Mohamad was named as the member and the representative. In August 2021 he was voted as the Vice President of ICYF during the 4th General Assembly, that position which he currently holds, and upon that, in its aim to empower the youth and benefit from the experiences and work being done by ICYF, the Minister has assigned Mohamad in his personal team at the Ministry playing an advisory role in setting new youth policies and strategies for Lebanon.

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  • 55 years ago