CAIRO (ICYF) – ICYF is participating at the 1st OIC Festival taking place in Cairo, Egypt, from 05 to 09 February 2019. As the main event’s theme is Palestine, the ICYF seized the occasion to display the exhibition on “Human Faces of Al-Quds”, which was a photo competition within the celebration of Al-Quds OIC Youth Capital 2019.
The ICYF Delegation is to also attend and deliver presentations on different workshops. In this context, Mr. Rasul Omarov, ICYF Director General, will provide ICYF position at the Seminar on “Combating Islamophobia: Hatred, Terrorism and Islamophobia: Toward a structural understanding of the nexus between the two faces of extremism in the relation between the West and Islam”, which will be held today, 06 February.
Mr. Abdula Manafi Mutualo, Director General of Youth Policy, on his side, will be sharing ICYF activities and projects within at the “1st Forum of Youth in Islamic Countries” by highlighting implementation of OIC Youth Strategy in terms of combating extremism and protecting the youth against its malaises, which is taking place on 07 February.