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Ayhan talked to Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay)

ISTANBUL (ICYF) – In an exclusive interview, President of ICYF, Taha Ayhan, spoke to Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) on the important role of humanitarian aid agencies all over the world.

Ayhan stated that Kızılay have reached the needy people in  Turkey and the different geographies of the world with the strenght they have received from people for 150 years.

“Whenever there is a disaster or humanitarian crisis in any part of the world from Rohingya to Somalia, you first see the aid tents and logo of Kızılay in these regions.” he said.

Ayhan also stated that the work of Kızılay in the youth field is very valuable. He especially stressed the importance of Kızılay’s Youth camps which are among the youth-oriented services of Kızılay.

ICYF Media Department

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  • 55 years ago