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Arab Towns Organization Delegation Visit to ICYF

The delegation of Arab Towns Organization (ATO) headed by H.E Mr. Ahmed Al Subaih the Secretary General of ATO paid a visit to the headquarter of ICYF in Istanbul, Turkey to introduce his Institution and to discuss ways and means for bilateral cooperation. On behalf of His Excellency Mr. Taha Bey, ICYF President, Mr. Abdula Manafi Mutualo, Director General of, General Directorate of Youth Policy, received and welcomed the delegation.

H.E. Mr. Al Subaih briefed about ATO and their activities, mentioning his Institution, the oldest in the region (established in 1967) is in charge of cities’ development, caters for around 650-member cities in the Arab region. He said that the organization’s goals are to preserve the Arab identity of the city and its heritage, development and modernization of municipal and local institutions in Arab cities, enhance the status of the Arab local authorities and encourage decentralization and raising the level of services and facilities in Arab cities and work to develop them.

ATO and ICYF have agreed to look into the possibility of signing a MoU for implementing joint activities, particularly in ICYF’s flagship international program, the OIC Youth Capital, and Al Quds Youth activities, one of the main priorities of both Institutions.

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  • 55 years ago